Please PM if you want to be part of the Alpha Phase 2 of Xena.
Dear Alpha Tester,
First of all, we’d like to thank everyone who has given us inputs and feedbacks from the get go, all your comments have been put to good use and constantly helping us to reshape and adjust to be better at what we do.
Before going forward with phase 2 of the Alpha Test, we want to make sure everyone is on board and has the newest version of the application installed on their device……
……PHASE 2 XENA mobile Alpha Test
In the first phase of the Alpha Test, we asked all collaborators to test out the platform and report all the nooks and cracks that occurred while they were engaging with XENA mobile and reporting random incidents and capturing real and simulated incidents.
As we are starting PHASE 2 of the Alpha Test, we’d like for all the tester to capture and report ONLY REAL incidents that occur in your daily routine. For Example:
1- An icy stairway that was poorly maintained in a restaurant storefront or parking lot.
2- A sharp object protruding in a store aisle that could potentially be dangerous.
3- A line so long in a coffee shop that you decided to go somewhere else to get your coffee.
4- A restaurant or store where you witnessed or had yourself poor customer service.
A clogged public restroom.
Basically, anything that you usually say to yourself: “Someone should report this or say something…” Well, in this case, YOU can be that person! XENA will be your voice!
In PHASE 2, we will be sending ALL incident captured and reported by our testers and FORWARDING it to the business that you have tagged for their follow up. We will help you make sure they are aware of the situation and become accountable for their level of service.
So please, as part of our awesome Alpha Tester group, every single time you report an incident, we all grow together. Each day, everyday, everywhere, anywhere, there is an incident happening and you could help improve your own community. Be a part of the change.
Do not hesitate to share this email with your family and friends.
We’d like to sincerely thank you,
The XENA mobile family