

We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails. We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails. From multiple sources:…/quote…/2017/06/25/adjust-sails/amp/

Gestion proactive des risques PARM – Proactive Risk Management

Gestion proactive des risques PARM – Proactive Risk Management

Incident Response Management Services PARM 2.0 Product Recall Management Services PARM 2.0 Incident Management Services Suite Services intégrés de gestion d’incidents (Français) PARM 2.0 Facility Maintenance Management Services Services de gestion de la maintenance des immeubles (Français) PARM 2.0 Liability Incidents & Claims Management Services PARM 3.0 Gestion des réclamations et litiges (Français) PARM 2.0…